Fit to Sit

Fit to Sit
November 6, 2020

Stretches While Tree Stand Hunting

Fit to Sit

By: Jeremy Koerber, Exercise Physiologist, Fit to Hunt

The whitetail rut is heating up and if you are like me, you are working to log as much stand time as possible. One of my biggest beefs when it comes to the naysayers about not needing a solid layer of physical conditioning to hunt whitetails often stems around the fact that Midwest hunting typically involves a lot of sitting vs. the pursuit of western game. It may be true that conditioning needs differ (until you need to drag a buck out of the woods) but there is another byproduct of solid conditioning that comes with consistent training: Flexibility and mobility.  All day sits result in tight muscles and potentially, low back pain. Here are some ideas to help you stay flexible in the stand so when your target buck comes into range you can perform and fill your tag.


Daily Mobility

No matter your age, if you do not use it you lose it, and mobility loss is a sneaky fast process.  Most of us do not realize it has diminished until we need it. Mobility exercises will allow you to keep muscles pliable and joints moving freely.  I suggest adding a short mobility routine into your day.  Make it the first thing you do when your feet hit the floor. You will wake up faster, think clearer and move better.  Not sure where to start? Check out the mobility routine below:


Can you do a mobility routine before you hunt?  Sure. This program is not designed to boost heart rate or cause you to perspire. So long as you are being mindful of scent control, you can easily perform these moves before leaving the house for a morning or afternoon sit.


In the Stand

Stealth is a premium when your goal is tagging mature deer, so we do not want you performing mobility exercises in the woods.  We do want you to consider calculated movement and gentle stretching while in the stand or the ground blind. 

The easiest thing to do is simply stand up. I like to schedule in the time frames that I will move to loosen up tight leg and back muscles and it is never during peak deer movement such as early morning or late afternoon.  Walking to the stand should loosen you up for your morning sit.  If you are planning to stay all day, work in some opportunities to stand and get the blood moving.

You can also perform gentle static stretches for arms, shoulders, low back, trunk, and hamstrings without leaving your seat.  To perform a static stretch, move a muscle through it full range of motion then hold it at it’s stretch point for 10-20 seconds.  You can repeat if needed and you do not have to stretch every muscle at one time.  Remember, stealth is important but so is staying flexible and ready to draw if a shooter walks into sight.  Stretching and calculated movement in the stand is also a great way to stay warm. If you need some stretching ideas, contact us at or send us a direct message in the GoWild™ app.

Recently, we hung out with the guys on the #WILDGAMEBASED podcast about this very subject.  To listen to Jeremiah, Tony and myself discuss the concept of Fit To Sit and a whole lot more Click Here!

WildGameBased Podcast with Jeremy Koerber of Fit To Hunt

Improving your flexibility and range of motion is not like training to run a marathon.  Initially, it could be a little uncomfortable until you get back a little of what you lost but it is nowhere as difficult as running or strength training.  Improving your range of motion will significantly impact your ability to move and will positively affect your hunt.  Add it to your routine and see your ability to sit for longer periods in the deer stand improve!

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